I have many clients with learning challenges. A senior with dyslexia and ADHD was expected to memorize a list of words. She studied with me as I presented photographs and other context clues to learn. However, I decided that the teacher must change his approach.
I recommended that she write an essay, and I made sure that she used context clues such as synonyms, antonyms, examples, or a restatement.
Struggles More Complicated Than Vocabulary Can Express
Whenever I mention that I struggle with reading or remembering, people seem to react as if I have a dark cloud above me, not as if I have a PANOPLY with impressive displays. I wish more people possessed a KEN in order to feel comfortable working with me when I struggle to read. Once they have a understanding of my situation, we can work well together. It might be alright for many people to work with someone who has one challenge, but I have an AMALGAM of issues. The school system believes that the term “special education” is for people who lack normal skills; however, the term should have a PUTATIVE meaning that can commonly regard special education as educating special people. I am always annoyed by the SALACIOUS reaction that I get from classmates or show a middle finger when I get special treatment. Their reactions cause a VITRIOLIC response, in that I become angry beyond belief. I believe there is a SURFEIT of stress caused not only by me but also within my family. People should know that there is a COMPENDIUM of research about learning challenges, not just research by one or two people. I agree that learning about learning challenges is not a task that is SINECURE; it will take more than a minimal amount of work to do. It is obvious that teachers and administrators have lots of work to do, even without students who have learning challenges, and I understand that there may be a REMONSTRANCE or earnest opposition from teachers and administrators. Nonetheless, teachers and administrators do not realize the PANG that comes into my body when I know that I am different from most students. Instead of treating the moment to help me with ALACRITY, I notice a quiet manner and sometimes a LACONIC reaction with rudeness. Above all, I want to experience an EDIFICATION in my intellectual base, not just in my moral and spiritual character. If I were exhibiting a LASCIVIOUS behavior, I would probably get more attention to correct my ways, but there is nothing sexual or lustful about learning challenges. In water polo, I am a PARAGON when it comes to shining in excellence or perfection. I confess that I am not perfect in all areas of my life, but I do hope that people can help me MITIGATE the way that I learn by making it easier for me to have an education. My challenges are who I am so I do not ask for a VENIAL dispensation and be allowed to move quickly through school. It isn’t as if I am INCONTINENT, intentionally uncontrolling of my behavior. I am not acting a certain way to show TURPITUDE and show wickedness to everyone I meet, but sometimes I do get angry and become IRASCIBLE beyond my belief. I do not want to live my life in a state of COMPUNCTION, always feeling that I am doing something wrong. The following ADAGE is comforting to me: “Education without application is just entertainment” (Tim Sanders). As I write this essay, I feel as if I am educating myself, not just being entertained. When I graduate from Los Gatos High School, I shall remain MAGNANIMOUS, not MAUDLIN. I shall be forgiving, not tearful.